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Implement the Redux-thunk
Single-Page Application, Multi-Page Application..
Javascript array having the records Array(10,2,2,4,6,10) write a program find out the duplicate records. Javascript array having the records ['Pankaj', 'Suresh', 'Deepak', 'Pramod', 'Pankaj'] write a program find out the remove duplicate records.
Redux-thunk, Redux-saga
So that React Update only changes part in Virtual DOM not a whole part, but in case of Angular Its update Whole Read DOM. So the above answer is that react Virtual DOM concept makes the system fast.
Hooks are the new feature introduced in the React 16.8 version. It allows you to use state and other React features without writing a class. Hooks are the functions which "hook into" React state and lifecycle features from function components. It does not
Redux implement live project only change into 2-files.
when we use this into arrow function, so first he searches their local scope and not found here, and again search in parent scope(and find here). So this is no need to bind into React Component. An arrow function is pointed out the parent this, so it will
What is express in NodeJS
What is state, What is React, higher-order component, Pure Function,What is controlled and uncontrolled components.
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What is context API in ReactJS, What is Prop Drilling, What are Children props
ES5 is the fifth edition of the ECMAScript & ES6 is the sixth edition of the ECMAScript Var, let const definition, let & const are the local scope and var are global scope. ES5: It was introduced in 2009, ES6: It was introduced in 2015.
React 16.8 came with some features to make it easier to improve the performance of functional components.
Base64_string, how to pass the string into the image tag
An arrow function is introduced into ES6, this name also call "fat arrow" function.Another significant advantage it offers is the fact that it does not bind its own this. In other words, the context inside arrow functions is lexically or statically define
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Uploading your code to github
The forEach() the method executes a provided function once for each array element.
The sort() method sorts an array alphabetically. This method is sort only the array element is a string, Shorting the array having integer, Reverse the array value, its use the reverse(), Shorting the array having integer values in descending order
Differences Between forEach() and map()
Additionally, as pointed out by Huy Nguyen, it is possible to write to the clients file system from the browser but that is going to be private to that user.
Definition of Reducer
Benefits of Redux, Where can Redux be used,What is store in redux
MySQL add a UNIQUE Index To Prevent Duplicates
define the dispatch function
React have 3-phases(Mounting, Update & Unmounting phase) in this phase different-2 life cycle method called.
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